1/ A quiz for CEO

Note moyenne : Publié par mesclado le 11 décembre 2015

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Psst, we can tell you a secret: you can do it even if you're not a CEO but please... do no repeat
Question 1

Marketing has an idea: produce a short film in UHD for Christmas to promote this fabulous new technology. "It won't cost a thing" they said to the President. In the next Exec Meeting, the bill is 100k€ already but they have to find a budget...

You discover that current life expectancy on UHD equipment is 24 months and go back to the President to explain he/she better be more careful next time
You start screaming because you can't just spend money without an approved budget & ROI. The Chief Marketing Officer replies that ROI is an insult to Creativity. You rush out to grab a skimmed-milk latte before you kick someone in the nuts
You pick a random account number from the marketing budget and leave it to the Account Dept to sort out later
Question 2
Content is king, distribution is queen...

And OTT is crazy
And she wears the pants
And cash is the crown
Question 3

You are working in a collaborative way on financial data. After several days of hard work, you get a version 99 of the document and you finally realise that your team was playing with euros while your colleagues from Japan were playing with yens!

You throw your computer across the room, go out and run 3 miles to calm down
You literaly apply the Project Management rule: search for the guilty, punishment of the innocent and praise and honor for the nonparticipants
You ask project participants to think about what led to this issue, what can be improved and what tips can be set up for avoiding this in the future
Question 4
The CIO is a huge fan of SAP...

Are you crazy? I will lose all my hair by investing millions of euros into an enterprise software
This is a great idea, let's manage all our media assets with SAP and make it the next big thing!
No way, SAP is a dinosaur on the road to extinction and has nothing to do in the media industry
Question 5
Programmatic is...

A way to sell advertising machine to machine
A food processor with a built-in video player to show receipes
A robot that replaces your TV remote control
Question 6

The entrance gate wouldn't open as you come into the office. The Security Officer explains the IT network is down due to a system hack

Maybe you shouldn't have scrapped the budget for the network security upgrade after all. You now have a good reason to upgrade your system. Let's just hope damages are limited...
You are having a bad day. To chill out, you go to the Apple store to spend some money . Your phone has decided to upgrade its OS so you can't call anyone to sort out the problem. When you try to remotely access your IT network, the system is down...
You ban Post-it notes and sticky tapes from the Company so that people stop displaying usernames and passwords on their wall
Question 7

BPI France is...

Broadcast Production Incubator that helped producing the "Rising Star" show concept
Banana Product Inc. that is largest Fair Trade organisation in the world
"Banque Publique d'Investissement" that is a french funding organisation dedicated to business development
Question 8
Mesclado means...

"Mixed" in Latin, Spanish, Occitan...
The Spanish town on the border with France, 200km away from our office
"Independent advice" in Spanish
Question 9
MAM is...

Media Asset Management
Museum of American Music in Palo Alto
Match&Meetic for Accounting Managers
Question 10
FrenchSouth.Digital or FS.d is...

The society of French geeks in Silicon Valley
The largest connected goods (IoT) retailer in Europe
A regional French cluster for digital companies


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    Difficulté : FacileParties jouées :
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