
Paris and London

Note moyenne : Publié par truiesdu21 le 20 novembre 2014
Visit our blog (https://carnotparislondon2014.wordpress.com/) to be able to answer these few questions about art, politics, architecture, history and so much more !

Question 1

Which important treaty has been signed at the Quai d'Orsay ?

The Versailles Treaty
The Treaty of International Peace
The North-Atlantic Treaty
The Orsay Treaty
Question 2

What is CRW Nevinson famous for ?

He is the president of the Senat
His art about WW1
His molecular cuisine
He is the architect of the Bastille Opera
Question 3

When did the construction of the Bastille Opera started ?

Question 4

For Thierry Coste, a lobbyist and specialist of army issues, the reduction of the budget devoted to the army can be justified by :

The protest ban of the soldiers
The excess in the past of spending concerning military equipment
The peace in France
The discount train ticket given to military
Question 5

How many deputies are there at the Assemblée Nationale ?

Question 6

In France, the ministers :

Are accountable to the Parliament
Vote the laws
Form the Parliament with the Senat
Propose the laws to the Senat
Propose the laws to the National Assembly
Question 7

Which architect did design the Bastille Opera ?

Armand-Claude Mollet
Nicolas Le Camus de Mézières
Carlos Ott
Renzo Piano
Question 8

How senators are elected ?

By direct Universal suffrage
By indirect Universal suffrage
By a poll
They are chosen by the leader of each political party
Question 9

Which broadcasts does Wendy Bouchard present ?

Europe1 12h-14h
Europe1 Midi
Zone interdite
Les pieds dans le plat
Question 10
Which one of these buildings is the oldest ?

The Quai d'Orsay
The Elysée Palace
The Hotel Beauveau
Lancaster House
Question 11

Where is the Senat located ?

Next to the Eiffel Tower
In the Palais du Luxembourg
In front of the National Assembly
In the Jardin des Plantes
Question 12

The three main services of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office deal with :

International sport events
British people in foreign countries
International cultural events
Social welfare
Question 13

Who is the President of the Senat ?

Gérard Larché
Manuel Valls
Claude Bartolone
Richard Rogers
Question 14

What had been the two names of the Elysée Palace before it was called this manner ?

The Hotel of Evreux
The Hotel of Bourbon
The Hotel Beauveau
The Bourbon Palace
Question 15

The head of the Parliament of the UK, of GB and Northern Ireland is :

The sovereign of the UK (currently Queen Elisabeth III)
The sovereign of the UK (currently Queen Elisabeth II)
The Prime Minister of the UK (currently Gordon Brown)
The Prime Minister of the UK (currently David Cameron)
Question 16

How high is the school drop out rate that Najat Vallaud-Belkacem wants to reduce ?

Question 17

The 42nd Home Secretary living currently in the Hotel Beauveau is :

Laurent Fabius
Bernard Cazeneuve
Manuel Valls
Claude Bartolone
Question 18

The British Prime Ministers live since 1735 at :

10 Donning Street
10 Darning Street
10 Downing Street
10 Dawning Street
Question 19

What is the other name of th "Salon Delacroix" on the Natioonal Assembly ?

Salle du roi
Salle Delatour
Salle des duchesses
Salle du peuple
Question 20

The Bastille Opera is unique in :

Its own workshops inside the Opera
Its own singing teachers available to the artists
Its size
Its system of elevator and moving platforms behind the scenes


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Infos sur ce quiz

Auteur : truiesdu21
Difficulté : Facile
Tags : paris, london, france, eng...(suite)
Parties jouées : 27
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