AIRBUS A320 FCOM DSC-21 Air Conditioning / Pressurization / Ventilation Part 1

Note moyenne : Publié par A320quiz le 26 janvier 2015
A320 FCOM quiz DSC-21

Question 1

When can you use the ram air inlet?

In an emergency
In normal operation
During ground operation
When you select the selector of the pack flow in "HI"
Question 2
Ram air inlet can provide ambient air to?

Trim air valves
Hot air press reg valve
Pack flow control valve
The mixing unit
Question 3
Temperature regulation is controlled by?

1 Air Conditioning System Controller (ACSC)
2 Air Conditioning System Controllers (ACSC)
3 Air Conditioning System Controllers (ACSC)
4 Air Conditioning System Controllers (ACSC)
Question 4
What is the limit authorized by the control panel whicj can provide on the forward attendant panel for the cabin crew the modification of each cabin zone temperature that is selected from the cockpit?

+/-5°C (+/-9°F)
+/-3.5°C (+/-5°F)
+/-2.5°C (+/-4.5°F)
+/-2°C (+/-4°F)
Question 5
If you get Air Conditioning via ground connection, where this low pressure fresh air is going first?

Trim air valves
Pack flow control valve
Hot air press reg valve
To the mixing unit
Question 6
What the Air Conditioning System Controller 1 (ACSC) do not control?

Pack 1 (ACSC 1 controls the pack flow control valve, the hot air pressure regulation valve, pack 1 and the trimair valves of the cockpit zone)
Pack 2 (ACSC 1 controls the pack flow control valve, the hot air pressure regulation valve, pack 1 and the trimair valves of the cockpit zone)
Question 7
On the air cond panel, the "pack 1" push button controls?

The engine bleed valve
His pack flow control valve
The HP valve of the engine 1
Pack bypass valve
Question 8
On the air cond panel, the "ram air" push button controls?

The hot air press reg valve
The trim air valves
The emer ram air valve
Both packs flow controls valves
Question 9
On the air cond panel, the "hot air" push button controls?

Hot air press reg valve
Hot air press reg valve and air conditioning system controller 1
Hot air press reg valve and air conditioning system controller 2
Question 10

On the air cond panel, the "pack flow switch" switch provides info to

Air Conditioning System Controler 1 and 2 (ACSC 1 and 2)
Air Conditioning System Controler 1 (ACSC 1)
Air Conditioning System Controler 2 (ACSC 2)
Question 11
The pack flow control valve is?

Electrically-operated and pneumatiically-controlled
Pneumatically-operated and electrically-controlled
Electrically-operated and electrically-controlled
Hydraulically-operated and electrically-controlled
Question 12
What happens in absence of air pressure trough the pack flow control valve?

The valve closes pneumatically
The valve closes electrically
The valve closes hydraulically
A spring keeps the valve closed
Question 13
THe pack flow control valve closes automatically in case of ?

Engine starting
Pack overheating, engine starting
Pack overheating, engine starting or ditching
Pack overheating, engine starting, operation of the fire or ditching
Question 14
An emergency ram air is used if/to ?

Ventilate the cockpit and cabin to remove smoke
Ventilate the cockpit and cabin to remove smoke or if both packs fail
To pressurize the cabin
To increase the air flow for the air conditioning
Question 15
When the RAM AIR pushbutton is ON ?

The outflow valve open about 50%, under automatic control and delta pressure is less than 1 PSI
The outflow valve open about 50%, under automatic control and delta pressure is more than 1 PSI
The outflow valve is fully open, under automatic control and delta pressure is less than 1 PSI
The outflow valve is fully open, under automatic control and delta pressure is more than 1 PSI
Question 16
For what reason the outflow valve does not automatically open when the RAM AIR pushbutton is ON?

The cabin pressure is too low
There is smoke in the cabin
The cabin pressure is in mode selector manual and even delta pressure is less than 1 PSI
Both packs fail
Question 17
When the RAM AIR pushbutton is ON and the delta pressure is greater than 1 PSI ?

RAM AIR flap is fully open
No airflow will then supplied
Question 18
The mixer unit mixes ?

Cold fresh air from the packs with cabin air being recirculated through recirculation fans
Just cold fresh air from the packs
Cold fresh air from the packs with hot air from the trim air valves
Hot air from the trim air valves with cabin air being recirculated through recirculatetion fans
Question 19
The mixer nit receive air from packs but also ?

The LP ground inlet
From the EMER RAM AIR and the LP ground inlet
From the EMER RAM AIR, the LP ground inlet and the ground ai[...]
Question 20
How are controlled the cockpit and cabin trim air valves ?

They are electrically-controlled
They are pneumatically-controlled
They are hydraulically-controlled
They are mechanically-controlled
Question 21
The cockpit trim air valve is controlled by ?

The Air Conditioning System Controller 1 (ACSC 1)
The Air Conditioning System Controller 2 (ACSC 2)
The Air Conditioning System Controller 1 (ACSC 1) with ACSC 2 in backup
The Air Conditioning System Controller 1 (ACSC 1) and ACSC 2
Question 22
The cabin trim air valve are controlled by ?

The Air Conditioning System Controller 1 (ACSC 1)
The Air Conditioning System Controller 2 (ACSC 2)
The Air Conditioning System Controller 1 (ACSC 1) with ACSC 2 in backup
The Air Conditioning System Controller 1 (ACSC 1) and ACSC 2
Question 23
What the trim air valves do ?

They adjust the temperature by controlling pack flow outlet
They adjust the temperature by adding cold air
They adjust the temperature by adding hot air
Question 24
What is the temperature selection range ?

From 16°c (61°F) to 32°C (90°F)
From 18°c (64°F) to 30°C (86°F)
From 18°c (64°F) to 32°C (90°F)
From 20°c (68°F) to 30°C (86°F)
Question 25
Each Air Conditioning System Controller (ACSC) regulates the temperature of its associated pack by ?

Modulating the bypass valve and the RAM AIR inlet flap
Modulating the pack flow control valve
Modulating the pack outlet
Question 26

The crew can use the PACK FLOW selector to adjust the pack flow for ?

The number of passengers and for external conditions
The number of passengers
For external conditions
Question 27
During cockpit preparation, it's recommended for an A320 to set the PACK FLOW selector in LO if

If the number of passengers is below 105
If the number of passengers is above 105
If the number of passengers is below 115
If the number of passengers is above 115
Question 28
During cockpit preparation, it's recommended for an A320 to set the PACK FLOW selector in HI if

For abnormally hot and humid conditions
For only humid conditions
Question 29
Whatever what you select on the PACL FLOW selector, the system delivers higher flow for any of the following circumstances :

In single-pack operation
When the APU is supplying bleed air
In single-pack operation or when the APU is supplying bleed air
Question 30
You select LO flow and the temperature demand cannot be satisfied, what happen ?

The system delivers LO flow like its selected
The system delivers normal flow
The system delivers HI flow

Infos sur ce quiz

Auteur : A320quiz
Difficulté : Facile
Tags : air, conditioning, venti...(suite)
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2.lonico80 %
3.Amanrtr76.7 %
4.potezny_maku76.7 %
5.Flyingtoto73.3 %
6.yebincho062016.7 %

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Catégorie : R'n'B, Groove


  • golu669008289326 sept 2015Good and detailed interpretation of FCOM gen D.Sc....
    This quiz is really excellent
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