English History & Culture Quiz

Note moyenne : Publié par TICELAnglais le 6 avril 2015

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Question 1
When did the Romans leave Britain?

409-410 AD
200-201 BC
236-237 AD

Cliquez ici si vous souhaitez lire cet indice66 years before the fall of Rome
Question 2
William of Normandy, later known as William the Conqueror won the battle of Hastings, and therefore secured the throne for himself in:


Cliquez ici si vous souhaitez lire cet indiceWilliam landed in England with his troops and saw Halley's Comet. It was taken as a good sign.
Question 3
What was the name of the ship that brought the Pilgrim Fathers to America?

The Aprilflower
The Juneflower
The Mayflower

Cliquez ici si vous souhaitez lire cet indiceThis month has 31 days
Question 4
What does the Constitution do?

It gives all powers to the President
It forbids British people from becoming American citizens
Defines the government and protects basic rights of Americans

Cliquez ici si vous souhaitez lire cet indiceA set of rules for the system to work!
Question 5
What do we call the first ten amendments to the Constitution?

The Magna Carta
The Bill of Rights
The Declaration of Independence

Cliquez ici si vous souhaitez lire cet indiceBritain has an equivalent which was passed in 1689
Question 6
What are the two parts of the U.S. Congress?

The House of Lords and the Senate
The Senate and House of Representatives
The House of Commons and Representatives

Cliquez ici si vous souhaitez lire cet indiceCommons and Lords are no longer the issue!
Question 7
What is the highest court in the United States?

The Grand Court
The Ultimate Court
The Supreme Court

Cliquez ici si vous souhaitez lire cet indiceIt is defined in Article III of the American Constitution.
Question 8
What are the two major political parties in the United States?

Democratic and Republican
Conservative and Republican
Democratic and Labour

Cliquez ici si vous souhaitez lire cet indiceTheir symbols are respectively a donkey and an elephant.
Question 9
What are the main reasons the first settlers came to America?

Political and religious freedom
War and famine
Roman invasion and the black plague

Cliquez ici si vous souhaitez lire cet indiceThe migrants were mostly Puritans.
Question 10
When was the Declaration of Independence?

September 11th, 1891
July 14th, 1789
July 4th, 1776

Cliquez ici si vous souhaitez lire cet indiceIt was before the French Revolution.
Question 11
During the Cold War, what was the main concern of the United States?

The European Union
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Cliquez ici si vous souhaitez lire cet indiceIt was called the Red Scare.
Question 12
What did Martin Luther King, Jr. do?

Fought for civil rights
Found a cure for a disease
Won the olympics

Cliquez ici si vous souhaitez lire cet indiceHe was an African-American activist.
Question 13
What major event happened on September 11, 2001, in the United States?

George W. Bush was elected
Terrorists attacked the United States
Columbine High School massacre

Cliquez ici si vous souhaitez lire cet indiceIt is commonly called 9/11.
Question 14
What is the capital of the United States?

Washington, D.C.
New-York City
Los Angeles

Cliquez ici si vous souhaitez lire cet indiceIt is in the District of Columbia.
Question 15
Why does the flag have 13 stripes and 50 stars?

For the 13 original colonies & the 50 states
For the first 13 presidents before the Civil War & the 50 presidents after
For 13 Indian tribes originally settled & the first 50 white settlers

Cliquez ici si vous souhaitez lire cet indiceThe stripes refer to the United States independence. The stars refer to the United States today.


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Auteur : TICELAnglais
Difficulté : Facile
Tags : history, english, litter...(suite)
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