Didier Deschamps

Note moyenne : Publié par KevinL le 20 mars 2019
Quizz sur Didier Deschamps


Quiz similaires

Question 1
What is his firstname?

His firstname is Didier
His firstname is David
His firstname is Rodrigue
Question 2
How old is he?

He is 10 years old
He is 50 years old
He is 55 years old
Question 3
How tall is he?

He is 1 meter 74 tall
He is 1 meter 75 tall
He is 1 meter 76 tall
Question 4
What is his job?

He is the coach of the french football team
He is the cooker of the french football team
He is a butler
Question 5
When was he born?

He was born in 1968
He was born in 2 after Jesus Christ
He was born in 1972
Question 6
What nationality is he?

He is Congolese
He is Belgian
He is French
Question 7
What trophy did he win?

He won a chief star
He won the world cup
He won the oscar of the best appearing
Question 8
How many goals did he score?

He scored 38 goals
He scored 319 goals
He scored 4 goals
Question 9
What was his post when he was a football player?

He was a defender
He was a referee
He was a midfielder
Question 10
What is the name of his son?

His name is Dylan
His name is Brayan
His name is Jean-Pascal

Infos sur ce quiz

Auteur : KevinL
Difficulté : Facile
Tags : saint, joseph, lavenir, ke...(suite)
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Score moyen des joueurs : %

1.sbastien80 %
2.harmonie70 %

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Catégorie : French


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