Deadly jobs

Note moyenne : Publié par hamzouz le 22 mars 2020

Quiz similaires

Question 1

Who is the main character ?

Question 2

When does the story take place ?

18th century
19th century
17th century
Question 3

How many brothers and sisters has the main character ?

He is an only child
He has three sisters
He has three brothers
Question 4

Do all the children in the country go to school ?

All children
Only poor children
Only rich children
Question 5

What revolution did the english know ?

The industrial revolution
The technical revolution
The economic revolution
Question 6

In which year ?

18th century
17th century
19th century
Question 7

Why employers prefer to choose children than adults

Because chidren are cuter than adults
Because children are paid less than adults
Because adults are stronger than children
Question 8

What is a workhouse ?

Official establishment which housed and put to work the poor and vagrants
Official establishment where you can go to school
Official establishment where you can play whatever you want
Question 9

A chimney sweep is the one who makes the chimneys
A chimney sweep is the one who takes care of the railways
A chimney sweep is a worker who clears ash and soot from chimneys
Question 10
What does the master sweep do ?

It's the master sweep that climbs the chimneys
The master sweep made them climb the chimneys all day, often naked
The master sweep prohibits children from climbing chimneys

Infos sur ce quiz

Auteur : hamzouz
Difficulté : Moyen
Tags : difficult, workhouse, mi...(suite)
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1.titi10100 %
2.lol2222100 %
3.Dddioo60 %

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