Fast and furious

Note moyenne : Publié par Idrislebel le 21 mars 2023

Quiz similaires

Question 1
What is the name of the actor who plays Dominic Toretto ?

Paul walker
Vinn Diesel
Eligah Wood
Question 2
How did Dominic Toretto’s father die ?

During the war
In a stock car race
In a street fight
Question 3
What brand of car did Dominic win ?

A jetta
A toyota supra
A honda 2000
Question 4
Who is missing in the latest truck robbery ?

Brian O’conner
Jhonny tran
Question 5
What is the name of the restaurant Weber Brian takes Mia ?

La Tchatchatcha
Le crom Plarza
Question 6
What is the color of the neon on the cars used in the truck robberies ?

Question 7
How does Brian lose his first car ?

Exploded because of the N20
In a car crash
She falls inta the river
Question 8
What is the make of the cars used in the truck robberies ?

Honda civic
Nissan skyline
Mitsubishi lancer
Question 9
Who is the hero racing against at the end of the film ?

Brian O’conner
Dominic Torreto
Question 10
Jason statham played in film 7 , in which other film did he play ?


Infos sur ce quiz

Auteur : Idrislebel
Difficulté : Moyen
Tags : fast, and, furious
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Le classement

Score moyen des joueurs : %

1.Madeline70 %
2.GWEN290260 %
4.Antoinesimon50 %
5.Antoninleroi50 %
6.lenny4450 %
7.Simonantoine50 %
8.Simonallr50 %
9.sbastien50 %
10.sefsefsefsefsefsefes40 %

Ils y ont joué

HanaéGaby40 %
Julienripoche40 %
mathis230 %
Emma_vrt30 %


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