Agatha Christie

Note moyenne : Publié par louis_c le 30 novembre 2023
A quizz about Agatha Christie

Quiz similaires

Question 1
What's the Agatha Christie nickname ?

Queen of crime
Miss murder
Serial Christie
Question 2
What's the name of her most famous fictional detective?

Sherlock Holmes
Conan Edogawa
Hercules Poirot
Question 3
When did she die ?

12 august 1976
12 junuary 1990
12 junuary 1976
Question 4
How many detective novels did she write?

Question 5
What's her most famous detective novel ?

Time Shadows
Murder on the Orient Express
Marry grave
Question 6
What's the name of her first husband?

Archibald Christie
Edward Christie
Johnathan Christie
Question 7
What's her second pseudonym ?

Chitanda Eru
Rin Shima
Mary Westmacott
Question 8
What is the atmosphere like in her detective novels?

Claustrophobic atmosphere
Murder atmosphere
Christie atmosphere

Infos sur ce quiz

Auteur : louis_c
Difficulté : Moyen
Tags : writer, detective, novel...(suite)
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1.jkm0387.5 %
2.Pacja87.5 %
3.LIANA87.5 %
4.sbastien87.5 %
5.Dafdaf75 %
6.gutenberg75 %
7.lisa7250 %

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