Lady Di

Note moyenne : Publié par mightybluesky le 4 février 2014
Guess her life

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Question 1
What was Princess Diana's astrological sign?

Question 2
What are the names of Lady Diana and Prince Charles's sons?

William and George
Charles Jr. and William
Harry and Joseph
William and Harry
Question 3
While married to Prince Charles, Diana, Princess of Wales, had an affair with James Hewitt. What was his profession?

Owner of a department store
Her riding instructor
Heart surgeon
Her bodyguard
Question 4
Which of these people survived the car crash on August 31, 1997 in the Pont de l'Alma road tunnel in Paris?

There were no survivors.
Princess Diana's lover Dodi Al-Fayed
Dodi Al-Fayed's bodyguard Trevor Rees-Jones
The driver Henri Paul
Question 5
When did Prince Charles and Princess Diana divorce?

August 1996
August 1999
January 1997
June 1991
Question 6
What was the profession of Diana Frances Spencer before she became Princess of Wales?

Kindergarten teacher
Fashion designer
Question 7
In 1997 Lady Diana died in a car crash travelling at high speed in what car?

Lamborghini Diablo
Buick Riviera
Mercedes-Benz 280 S
BMW 5-Series Berline
Question 8
Princess Diana was buried on an island in the middle of the Round Oval lake in which country estate in England?

Capesthorne Hall in Cheshire
Clouds Hill in Dorset
Althorp in Northamptonshire
Iona in Scotland
Question 9
Which of these statements refers to the late Diana, Princess of Wales?

Since the 17th century, Diana was the first English-born spouse of a heir to the English throne.
In 1987, Diana became the first world-famous celebrity, photographed touching people with AIDS.
All of these
Diana was the first English princess to omit the word "obey" in the marriage vows.
Question 10
What was Princess Diana not wearing on the day of her death?

A dress
A gorilla suit
A seatbelt
Question 11
About how many people watched the funeral of Princess Diana's on TV in 1997?

2.5 million
6 million
2.5 billion
6 billion
Question 12
Who was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom at the time of Princess Diana's death?

Gordon Brown
John Major
Margaret Thatcher
Tony Blair
Question 13
Which actor danced with Princess Diana until midnight at the White House in 1985?

Arnold Shwarzenegger
Brad Pitt
John Travolta
Sean Connery


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    Infos sur ce quiz

    Auteur : mightybluesky
    Difficulté : Facile
    Tags : lady, diana, princess, spe...(suite)
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