Deadly Jobs

Note moyenne : Publié par sacha84 le 22 mars 2020

Quiz similaires

Question 1

Who is the autor of the story ?

Oliver Twist
Philippa Boston
Charles Dickens
Question 2
When does the story take place?

In the 20th century
In the 18th century
In the 19th century
Question 3

What is the name of the fire that devastated London on December 2,1666?

The big fire
The great fire
The London fire
Question 4
Who is the main character?

Philippa Boston
Question 5

When did the industrial revolution start?

In the 16th century
In the 17th century
In the 18th century
Question 6
How many sisters does the main character have?

Three sisters
One sister
Four sisters
Question 7
Which establichment took in poor children and put them to work?

The hospitals
The workhouses
The schools
Question 8

What work the main character do in the chapter 2?

Chimney sweep's boy
Question 9
How old is the main character in the story?

Nine years old
Eight years old
Eleven years old
Question 10
What is the name of the mother of the main character ?

We don't know

Infos sur ce quiz

Auteur : sacha84
Difficulté : Moyen
Tags : war, labour, industriall...(suite)
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Score moyen des joueurs : %

1.titi1090 %
2.Dddioo80 %
3.lol222280 %
4.cb2760 %
5.srault9560 %
6.CECE9400050 %
7.sbastien40 %

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Catégorie : Santé
Catégorie : Sciences nat.


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