WDIM 003 - English test: "What does it mean?"

Note moyenne : Publié par SuzetteING le 25 avril 2023
English test - level B1-B2

Question 1
What does "stalling" mean?

Delaying on purpose because you need more time, usually to think or to do something
Enjoying something
Making something start
Question 2
What does "stilted" mean?

Too colorful or bright
To look or be like something
This refers to something that appears unnatural and funny from being too formal
Question 3
What does "take over (something)" mean?

To have control over something
To show that one is better than something
Became involved or part of something
Question 4
What does "tip of the iceberg" mean?

Given life or energy; set in motion
A small part of something bigger or more complex
Became involved or part of something
Question 5
What does "turn over (something) to (someone or something else)" mean?

To stop an event from happening or to stop someone from doing something
To attract or persuad someone or something, usually by offering an advantage or reward
To give the responsibility or control over something to someone or something else
Question 6
What does "thwart" mean?

To stop an event from happening or to stop someone from doing something
Not exact
To look or be like something
Question 7
What does "upfront" mean?

This refers to something that appears unnatural and funny from being too formal
A situation where there are so many vehicles on the road that traffic cannot move
In an honest, frank and direct manner
Question 8
What does "zip through (something)" mean?

To move quickly through something, usually a physical space
To be the responsibility of someone or something
To gather information from different sources
Question 9
What does "behind the wheel" mean?

Driving a motor vehicle
Entering into something
Given life or energy; set in motion
Question 10
What does "bolster" mean?

To be the responsibility of someone or something
To gather information from different sources
To strengthen or improve something


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    Auteur : SuzetteING
    Difficulté : Moyen
    Tags : english, anglais, traini...(suite)
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