Leonard de Vinci

Note moyenne : Publié par jona2 le 5 décembre 2022


Quiz similaires

Question 1
What's activity period of LDV ?

Century 20
Century 17
Century 15
Question 2
Which of these creation are not by LDV ?

The mandolin
The infinity screw
Question 3
To which paint he is famous ?

La Joconde
La Cène
Le Malade Dorée
Question 4
What is the dream of LDV

Allow man to fly
Allow man to float
Allow man to saw
Question 5
What period is it the symbol of?

Modern period
The Renaissance
The monarchy era
Question 6
An effect of paint has been popularized by him.Which?

Outlook effect
Light effect
Question 7
Which of these storie is false?

Bonaparte used La Joconde for his personal usage
His partner once used a painting canvas for personal grooming purposes
Question 8
LDV has been the first one to explain the blue ascpect of sky ?

True, he explained the scattering of sunlight on the atmosphere
Certainly, but he could not published his explication
False, absolutely everybody knock this explication
Question 9
Where come from the name " De Vinci " ?

Vinci is his father's name
Vinci is a personal name that he choose himself
Vinci is the city where he has born
Question 10
LDV is excellent in another activity

He can whistle with the most volume in all word
Leonard is an excellent flute player
It's an excellent chest player


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    Infos sur ce quiz

    Auteur : jona2
    Difficulté : Facile
    Tags : ldv, lycee, anglais
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    1.sbastien70 %
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