AIRBUS A320 Random FCOM questions in april

Note moyenne : Publié par A320quiz le 1er avril 2015
A320 FCOM ranom

Question 1
What the Flight Augmentation Computer (FAC) controls?

The rudder, rudder trim and yaw damper inputs
Normal elevator, stabilizer control and aileron control
Spoiler control, standby elevator and stabilizer control
Question 2
The 2 FACs perform 4 main functions, which one is not true?

Yaw function
Flight envelope function
Low energy warning function
Windshear detection function
Spoiler function
Question 3
At witch Radio Altitude (RA) you will get the call-out "RETARD"?

Question 4
What happen if you do a rejected take off prior to 72kt?

The spoilers will deploy and the auto brake will not function
The spoilers will deploy and the auto brake will function if[...]
The spoilers will not deploy and the auto brake will not function
The spoilers will not deploy and the auto brake will function if you set both reversers in idle
Question 5
What is the speed limitation for an A320 ?

VMO = 340kt and MMO = 0.84
VMO = 350kt and MMO = 0.85
VMO = 350kt and MMO = 0.82
VMO = 340kt and MMO = 0.83

Infos sur ce quiz

Auteur : A320quiz
Difficulté : Facile
Tags : a320, fcom, airbus
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1.Eslam100 %
2.Sonbt100 %
3.lonico100 %
4.Dush86100 %
5.Vagi100 %
6.razerwow80 %
7.NADSY80 %
8.Ozzzzz80 %
9.yebincho062060 %
10.Flyingtoto60 %

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